
How to Reinstate the Status of Your Suspended Amazon Account?

Seller Account suspensions on Amazon are undesirable and their reactivation is difficult. Oftentimes, Amazon might suspend your account and you might not even realize the fault yours. Even though Amazon provides a lucrative opportunity to sellers for earning a fortune, account suspensions are the impediment which they often face.


If your seller account has been suspended by Amazon, you must seek the assistance of experts. Younglanes Amazon Appeal Services is an agency that provides expert assistance in resolving Amazon account suspension issues. Their team prepares a tailored strategy for your business and by their extensive networks; they ensure that your appeals are cleared in 24-48 hours.

Some of the reasons why Amazon accounts are suspended are:

1- Poor seller performance- Amazon gives preference to the user experience and customer satisfaction. Untimely shipping, canceling the orders, a low score on customer reviews, etc are some of the factors which lead to poor seller performance and this may increase the chances of account suspension.



2- Seller policy violation- All amazon sellers must understand the policies of Amazon before they embark on the journey of doing business on Amazon. Following the latest updates in Amazon policies, being regular in Audits of the product information, etc are some of the positive steps which you can take.

See also  Avoid Common Amazon Suspension Causes and Protect Sellers Right

Strategy for reactivation of the seller account- 

1-    Find out what is the real reason for the suspension

The foremost step that you must take is to sit back and analyze that where did you falter. All the subsequent actions will be driven by your analysis of the issue at hand. Amazon uses very technical language while communicating the reason for suspension. They don’t even give a detailed explanation of the problem.

To identify your lacunae, you must approach Seller Central.

2- Send a petition to Amazon


When you open your suspended account, you will be able to see the “Seller Central” tab. When you enter that, choose the performance notifications from the performance tab. When you locate the suspension notice, you must select the appeal tab. Fill the appeal form.

3- Communicate the plan of action

You must prove your worth to Amazon. While filling the appeal form, you must enlist the positive elements of your service and how do you contribute to amazon. All of your statements must be backed with your future actions. If you do not stay true to your word, Amazon wouldn’t hesitate in suspending you again.

4- Make your appeal stand out

Amazon receives thousands of requests on a daily basis for the reactivation of suspended accounts. If you want prompt action on your request, your request must stand out from the crowd. This can be done by mentioning the reasons for your suspension, keeping a professional and clean tone in the request, and being kind.

Read also: Amazon FBA – How It Works and Breakdown of Its Fees

See also  Amazon Account Suspension Reasons and Reinstatement Process

Amazon Conclusion- 

Appeals are a one-time opportunity. If you miss it once, you might be in a real problem. A subsequent request is very difficult to clear; you must ensure that your first request is the best one.

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