
Targeting the QL Muscles and Getting Relief from Pain with Correct Exercises

Back pains can be quite frustrating. Most of the time, you might tend to ignore the pain thinking it might go away on its own. Most of the back pains are caused due to your QL muscle.


How Your QL Muscle Contributes to Back Pain

QL is short for quadratus lumborum that is the muscle that is located on both sides of your spine. This muscle rests between your lowest ribcage and pelvis. The QL muscle when in trauma or gets stretched can cause a dull ache which when ignore can gradually increase to sharp pain, which can be, experienced especially when you sneeze or cough.

There is no specific cause for QL. It can be caused by strain, wrong sitting posture, trauma, or injury to the QL muscle. All these can cause the QL muscle to tighten releasing trigger points or knots in your back that contribute to these pains.

Certain exercises can help in quadratus lumborum release with the help of a device known as the QL Claw muscle release tool. QL Claw, a company based out in Denver, Colorado, founded this device. The company has designed this device taking into consideration the common back problems faced by customers.

This tool not only aims at your QL muscle but also targets other 4 muscles such as your psoas, lilacs, piriformis, and gluteus medius.


Once you use the device, you will feel your muscle relaxed and the device will sink into your body. You will also feel better in the targeted area.

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Some of the strengthening exercises that you can do with the QL device are:

  • The Starter Pose
  • The Digger Pose
  • The Bruiser Pose
  • The No-Fly Pose

In the starter pose, you need to lie on your back and lift your knee perpendicular to the ground. Concentrate on your breathing. Inhale and hold your breath for 5 secs and slowly exhale.

In the digger pose, you need to raise your other leg and point your hip to the targeted hip that was already raised. This targets your QL muscle and eases the pain. Bruiser pose is the advanced level of the digger pose as you will be targeting both your hips towards each other for QL release.

In the no-fly pose, you need to lift your head and shoulders off the floor so that your core muscles are tightened.

Treatment of QL Pain

It is always better to consult your doctor if you have a medical history before conducting the above exercises. Your doctor will first conduct a complete diagnosis to find the root cause of the pain and suggest therapy or medications likewise.

pain Relief

In addition to therapies and medications, you can even get some relief from your QL muscle pain by:

  • Apply heat for 10-15 minutes to the targeted areas
  • Changing your posture frequently while sitting
  • Do not sit in one place for longer periods. Be on the move
  • Try dry needling after consulting with your doctor
  • Gently massaging the affected areas with essential oils
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If you do not nip the problem at the bud, it can quickly accelerate to something severe. QL muscle pain can be kept in check if you regularly exercise and are active.

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